MS8.0 earthquake, with cutoff magnitude
ML3.0. The declustering of the original earthquake catalogue(cat_chundian.txt) utilizes the space-time ETAS model developed by zhuang (2002),a probability file (probs.dat)obtained. In the second column of the prob.dat, the probability (0~1) of each earthquake as an independent earthquake/background earthquake is given. So, you can the background earthquake events according to your own defined criterion whether its probabilityis larger than a prescribed threshold value(for example, 0.5),or using the ‘probability weighted’ catalogue, that is, the probability as the weight of a certain physical quantity corresponding to each earthquake event (JiangWu, 2011; 2013). [01] Zhuang, J., Ogata, Y.Vere-Jones, D. (2002). Stochastic declustering of space-time earthquake occurrences.
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